Supporting Scholarships

Hale School’s Scholarship Program supports a culture of excellence and diversity on campus.  A robust Scholarship and Bursary Program is necessary to attract students of academic and musical talent, as well as enabling enrolment for boys who would otherwise be unable to receive a Hale School education.

The Scholarship Program is underpinned by financial support from the Hale School Foundation which operates together with support from generous donors across the Hale community.

Academic and music scholarships

Through the generosity of the Hale School community and our many benefactors, the Hale School Foundation offers a comprehensive scholarship program to current and prospective students of Hale School.

Fundamentally, the aim of the program is to allow boys who would otherwise be unable to attend Hale School an opportunity to benefit from a Hale education.

Beyond the recognition of excellence, the Hale School Foundation acknowledges that the invitation of exceptional students into our student body benefits our entire school.  To learn more or apply for a Foundation Scholarship, please click HERE.

Indigenous scholarships

Hale School has a long history of positive mutual engagement with Indigenous people – via our curriculum, our relationships with WA Indigenous communities, our Hale School Indigenous Scholarship program, and through extensive staff learning focused on Indigenous ways of knowing and being.

The Indigenous Scholarship program has been operating at Hale School since 1998 when the first boys were interviewed for the program.  Since then, 119 students from across Western Australia have been enrolled at Hale.  The School maintains a close relationship with many communities and families, particularly with the Warmun Community, from where the first boys and 8 in total have come to receive a Hale School education.

Boys involved in the Indigenous Scholarship Program receive the full support of a dedicated Co-ordinator of Indigenous Students as well as careful planning for options for study, training and work options during school and after graduation. To learn more or apply for a Hale School Foundation Indigenous Scholarship, click  HERE.

Named scholarships

In addition to scholarships directly supported by the Hale School Foundation, specific named scholarships are funded by donations from individual or collective donors to the Hale School Foundation.

Please contact us if you are interested in establishing a Hale School Scholarship, named or unnamed, which will help a new generation of boys to benefit from a Hale School education. 

JB Craig Scholarship

The JB Craig Scholarship is awarded to the Year 10 student achieving the highest examination marks across the year, and covers 100% of tuition fees for Years 11 and 12.  The scholarship was inaugurated in 1988 with funds donated by Dr J B Craig (1935).  

Hale Kee Bundu Scholarship

Inaugurated with its first recipient in 2022 (Josh Hill, pictured right) this scholarship covers full and ongoing boarding and tuition for an Indigenous scholar.  The scholarship is awarded by the School pursuant to all normal criteria for Indigenous scholars and is funded in its entirety by KeeBundu Pty Ltd, a group supported by a current Hale family.

Josh Hill (Year 7, 2022))

Ronald Younger Filmer Scholarship

Ronald Filmer (1933)

The Ronald Younger Filmer Scholarship was made possible from the bequest of the late Joan and Ronald Filmer (1934).  The scholarship recipient is selected by the Headmaster and  awarded to a student who would enrich the Hale School community, but whose family are unable to meet all education expenses.  This scholarship will be inaugurated in 2023.

Lister Drake Scholarship

The Lister Drake Scholarship commenced in 1995, and is sponsored by the Old Haleians’ Association with assistance of funds bequeathed from the estate of former Deputy Headmaster, Mr Lister Drake.

You can read more about the Lister Drake Scholarship and how to apply HERE.

Fine Art@Hale Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a Year 11 student of ATAR Visual Arts to cover 25% of tuition fees for Year 12.  The scholarship recipient is selected by Art Department staff and the scholarship is funded by the Fine Art@Hale committee.  The scholarship  was established in 2003 to encourage student participation in this demanding ATAR subject.  You can read more about the scholarship HERE.

Ryan Murphy Scholarship – General Excellence

The Ryan Murphy Scholarship has been made possible through the generosity of the Murphy family.  Ryan attended Hale School from 2012 to 2023 and passed away in March 2023 after diagnosis with an aggressive and inoperable brain tumour.  This perpetual scholarship stands as a legacy to a remarkable young man whose effort and dedication spanned many fields and who held a deep passion for all things Hale.

Ryan helping out a JS student

Moez Nomanbhoy Scholarship – International Boarding

Havelock St Boarders 1954

One of Hale Shcool’s very first international students, Moez Nomanbhoy attended Hale School from 1950 to 1954.  Through the generosity of the Nomanbhoy family, this perpetual scholarship has been established to support an international student to board at Hale School, with the inaugural recipient awarded in 2024.

Supporting scholarships

Scholarships have the power to be life changing.  If you are interested in helping realise a Hale School education for a young student, please get in touch with the Hale School Foundation.  

You can also make a tax-deductible contribution directly to the Scholarship Fund using the link below.  Please select Scholarship Fund when you are completing the online form, or contact the Foundation office to learn more.

About us

Learn more about the Hale School Foundation

Capital projects

Building our campus – past, present and future

Supporting scholarships

Providing opportunities for boys

Cygnet Society

Hale for life – supporting Hale School with your bequest