March 4, 2022

Bollywood, Haka, Hip Hop and Street Jazz – our Year 7 boys had an awesome experience exploring these different styles of movement and dance this week.

The Year 7 Move and Groove programme highlights the importance of dance in different cultures and in the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of boys. Dance:

  • is an important part of all cultures; we can learn about cultural differences through dance styles and different forms of movement
  • is an important basic human and relational skill 
  • releases inhibitions and builds confidence – it is another way to express yourself
  • teaches perseverance and motivation to reach goals
  • improves social skills and fosters emotional wellbeing
  • teaches focus and control of movements that are different to sport and regular use, improving physical awareness, strength, stamina, coordination, flexibility and balance
  • requires focus, practice and hard work
  • can help boys engage in a state of flow, being in the moment, constantly listening and responding to music
  • requires patience, perseverance and mastery, collaboration and teamwork, moving in a group to synchronise choreography
  • is fun!

Along with dance sitting in the Australian Curriculum as an aspect of Human Movement, the Move and Groove sessions were also a chance for the boys to put into action the 4Cs of collaboration, critical reflection, creativity and communication.

For some, the sessions were a lively, enthusiastic experience where they threw themselves in head first; for others, they really did step outside of their comfort zones to engage and this was something that we had hoped for.

Year 7 is about trying new things, having the courage to do so and doing so in a supportive environment.

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