Community Eucharist

Chapel of St Mark Hale School, Wembley Downs, WA, Australia

This Sunday 4 February at 5.00pm we will be holding a service of Holy Communion in the Chapel of St Mark. Following the service supper will be served in the dining room. All in the community are warmly invited to attend.

Hale Southwest information event

Hale School Headmaster, Mr Dean Dell’Oro, and Hale Southwest coordinator, Mrs Wendy Cormack, invite you to attend an information session and sundowner to launch the new Hale Southwest program. Meet the Hale Southwest team and learn more about this exciting new after-school enrichment program. Friday 16 February, 6.00pm at Amelia Park Lodge Please RSVP to […]

Wagin Woolorama – Hale Sundowner

Hale School Headmaster, Dean Dell’Oro invites you to enjoy our hospitality and meet our boarding and admissions teams at the Wagin Woolorama. Friday 8 March 2024, 4.30pm at the Harvestaire, stand No 13 RSVP by 6 March 2024 to or 9347 9733 

Community Eucharist

Chapel of St Mark Hale School, Wembley Downs, WA, Australia

On Sunday 10 March at 5.00pm we will be holding a service of Holy Communion in the Chapel of St Mark. Following the service supper will be served in the dining room. All in the community are warmly invited to attend.

Community Connect – Community Forum

Boys to men in a changing world: challenges, strategies and why it matters. Boys today are facing new challenges to their education, wellbeing and place in the world. Hear from our panel of experts about the global context, evidence and trends, as well as ways we can better prepare boys for the modern world.  


Community Connect – Teachers’ Workshop

Cruickshank Gregg Lecture Theatre 160 Hale Road, Wembley Downs, WA, Australia

Boys to men in a changing world: teaching strategies to engage male students. Boys and girls develop at different times and at different rates. Teaching and mentoring approaches should reflect this. The evidence on the learning and wellbeing challenges faced by boys is compelling and educational strategies tailored to the specific needs of boys have never been more important.

$75 – $200

Bunuru Music Concert 2024

John Inverarity Music and Drama Centre 160 Hale Road, Wembley Downs, Western Australia, Australia

Bunuru Music Concert. Please join us for a wonderful evening of music celebrating the music students in 2024.

$5 – $10